Minerva and the gods of Olympus: a design for the hall ceiling at Easton Neston, Northamptonshire
James Thornhill
1675 – 1734
Minerva and the gods of Olympus: a design for the hall ceiling at Easton Neston, Northamptonshire
pen & brown ink, grey wash, black chalk on paper
1675 – 1734
Minerva and the gods of Olympus: a design for the hall ceiling at Easton Neston, Northamptonshire
pen & brown ink, grey wash, black chalk on paper
- Place made
- England
- Medium
- pen & brown ink, grey wash, black chalk on paper
- Dimensions
- 25.3 x 46.1 cm (sheet)
- Credit line
- V.B.F. Young Bequest Fund 1992
- Accession number
- 921D1
- Signature and date
- Not signed. Not dated.
- Media category
- Drawing
- Collection area
- British drawings