Place made
type C photograph
127.0 x 180.0 cm
Credit line
Maude Vizard-Wholohan Purchase Award 2004
Accession number
Signature and date
Not signed. Not dated.
Media category
Collection area
Australian photographs
Courtesy of the artist and Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney
  • Through his art, Bill Henson engages with his memories of growing up on the fringes of suburban Melbourne, a liminal landscape between a bourgeoning city and the orchards beyond its fringe. In Henson’s photographs this landscape belongs to the listless teenagers who claim it after dark.


    Henson’s interest in the ‘in-between’ is expressed in his photographs of young people (captured in the state between childhood and adulthood) and the landscape at dusk. He often photographs his subjects with limited light so they appear to emerge from darkness. Henson’s interest in art history, in particular the European painting tradition, is evident in this work, which employs chiaroscuro – strong contrasts of dark and light – to heighten the sense of mystery of the scene.


    Maria Zagala, Associate Curator, Prints, Drawings & Photographs

  • Contemporary Photography: Love and Desire

    Art Gallery of South Australia, 4 December 2010 – 6 March 2011
  • [Book] AGSA 500.