AGSA offers a range of professional development opportunities for educators throughout the year. Events range from practical workshops to networking opportunities and briefings on new exhibitions and artist practices.

Fees may apply. Certificates of attendance addressing the AITSL Standards are provided for all professional development opportunities.

Tailored programs

We can tailor sessions for you and your colleagues at professional development days at your school. To find out more email

2020 Education Package

Over 20 hours of professional learning included

Educator Connects and Briefings

Network with educators and develop your teaching programs through a host of workshops and talks.

Workshops and Special Events

Develop new skills and engage with artists and curators through workshops and seminars.

detail: Noŋgirrŋa Marawili, Yolŋu people, Northern Territory
born 1938, Baniyala, Northern Territory
Baratjala, 2019, Yirrkala,
Northern Territory
earth pigments, recycled print toner pigment on
stringybark, dimensions variable
© Noŋgirrŋa Marawili/Buku-Larrŋgay Mulka Centre

Teacher Outreach - what is Tarnanthi?

Book an educator session for your next staff meeting at your school.