2020 Education Package
Available until Friday 28 Feb, 2020
All educators
Over 20 hours of professional development included
Organise all your professional development for 2020 by signing up for the Gallery’s learning package for only $250. All payments are to be made online, we are unable to issue invoices to schools or individuals.
The package includes:
- Educator Briefing - Biennial (Mar)
- Educator Connect – Biennial (May)
- Educator Briefing – Phenomena: Art as experience (Jul)
- Educator Connect - Writing in the Gallery (Sep)
- Educator Briefing – Tarnanthi (Oct)
- Educator Connect – Tarnanthi (Oct)
Your name will be automatically added to these events, you do not need to book in separately for these.
Plus attendance to one of the following full day workshops:
- All Day Educator Connect – Biennial (April)
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art in the Classroom ALL (April)
- Drawing Workshops (May/June)
- Maximising your visit workshop (July)
- Activating Collections Workshop (July)
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art in the Classroom EYP (Oct)
A conformation email will be sent to you after payment for the package is received. Our education support team will then be in contact so we can add you to your preferred workshop.
Plus individual Membership to AGSA which includes the following benefits:
- members-only previews of exhibitions and invitations to select openings
- 10% discount in the Gallery Store
- 10% discount in the restaurant
- reduced prices on ticketed exhibitions, courses and events
- invitations to exclusive tours and special events
- home delivery of the Gallery’s quarterly magazine
- access to The Lounge, our relaxed space for Gallery supporters
- reciprocal benefits at all major Australian galleries
Total value $330
Certificates of attendance addressing AITSL Standards provided for all professional development sessions
Limited packages available
Offer valid until 28 February 2020
For enquires please contact 8207 7067 or education@artgallery.sa.gov.au.