Limited places

Since 2018, AGSA Education have delivered eight 'How to Teach Aboriginal Art' workshops, engaging with over 470 teachers.

You are one of these teachers and as a past participant we would like to invite you to this exclusive complimentary session of 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art in the Classroom'. This workshop will have a similar format to previous workshops, but will include new artists, works of art, resources and ideas to take back to your classroom.

We would also like to use this workshop as a platform to showcase the incredible work you are doing in your classrooms:

  • How has your classroom practice changed as a result of attending the workshop?
  • Have you used activities or ideas from our publication or online resources?
  • Have you used the flowchart to introduce your students to an artist's work?
  • Have you got a examples of student work (or photographs) to share with others?
  • How have you influenced your school's approach to engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art in a meaningful way?

If you have something you would like to present at the workshop in a 15min presentation or 5min Pecha Kucha, please indicate on your booking form and we will be in touch.

Morning tea provided.