AGSA respectfully advises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples that this site includes the names and images of deceased people.
Barossa Valley, South Australia , L'Amico Fritz Photography, Adelaide, South Australia active 1890s
Chip frame [with photograph]
c.1890sstained pine, chip frame, glass, photographAccession no: 20147A59A -
Ivor Francis 1906 – 1993
1950pen & ink on paperAccession no: 944D26 -
Chius (icinerary urn lid) (Etruscan)
2nd century BCEterracottaAccession no: S108 -
Utagawa Hiroshige 1797 – 1858woodblock print, ink and colour on paperAccession no: 427G49
Bronwyn Kemp 1953
Chocolate box
1988porcelain, inlaid decoration, clear overglazeAccession no: 20142C13A -
Max Pam 1949toned gelatin-silver photographAccession no: 7913Ph85
Albrecht Dürer 1471 – 1528
Christ among the doctors
c.1503; published 1511woodcut on paperAccession no: 084G1141 -
Orazio de Sanctis active 1568-84 , after Pompeo Aquilanoengraving on paperAccession no: 084G1930
Robert Anning Bell 1863 – 1933oil on woodAccession no: 0.822
Ludwig Sommerau 1756 – 1786 , after Raphael (Raphaello Sanzi or Sanki) 1483 – 1520
Christ and the descent into hell
1769/1786engraving, part etching on paperAccession no: 084G60 -
William Holman Hunt 1827 – 1910
Christ and the two Marys
1847; and 1897oil on canvas over wood panelAccession no: 0.2044On display, Gallery 13 -
Ludwig Sommerau 1756 – 1786 , after Raphael (Raphaello Sanzi or Sanki) 1483 – 1520engraving, part etching on paperAccession no: 084G56
Albrecht Dürer 1471 – 1528
Christ appears to his mother
c.1510; published 1511woodcut on paperAccession no: 084G1115 -
Albrecht Dürer 1471 – 1528
Christ appears to the Diciples at Emmaus
c.1510; published 1511woodcut on paperAccession no: 084G1117 -
Albrecht Dürer 1471 – 1528
Christ appears to the Disciples (Doubting Thomas)
c.1510; published 1511woodcut on paperAccession no: 084G1118 -
Ludwig Sommerau 1756 – 1786 , after Raphael (Raphaello Sanzi or Sanki) 1483 – 1520
Christ at Emmaus
c.1780engraving, part etching on paperAccession no: 084G59 -
Albrecht Dürer 1471 – 1528
Christ before Annas
c.1508-09; published 1511woodcut on paperAccession no: 084G1097 -
Albrecht Dürer 1471 – 1528
Christ before Caiaphas
c.1508-09; published 1511woodcut on paperAccession no: 084G1098 -
Albrecht Dürer 1471 – 1528
Christ before Herod
1509; published 1511woodcut on paperAccession no: 084G1101 -
Albrecht Dürer 1471 – 1528
Christ before Pilate
c.1508-09; published 1511woodcut on paperAccession no: 084G1100 -
Brent Harris 4 October 1956
Christ before Pilate
1989etching, aquatint, burnished aquatint and plate-toneAccession no: 20202G27 -
S. T. Gill 21 May 1818 – 27 October 1880brown watercolour wash, white gouache on paperAccession no: 433D1
Brent Harris 4 October 1956etching, aquatint, burnished aquatint and plate-toneAccession no: 20202G34
Georges Rouault 1871 – 1958colour aquatint, etching on paperAccession no: 393G35
Albrecht Dürer 1471 – 1528
Christ crowned with thorns
c.1509; published 1511woodcut on paperAccession no: 084G1103