AGSA respectfully advises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples that this site includes the names and images of deceased people.
Unknownglass plate negative (dry plate)Accession no: 20041RJN4720
attributed to H H Tilbrook 1848 – 1937glass plate negative (dry plate)Accession no: 20041RJN6706
Paul Foelsche 1831 – 1914glass plate negative (wet plate)Accession no: 20041RJN4088
Gloria Tamerre Petyarre 1938 – 2021
Body paint
1996synthetic polymer paint on canvasAccession no: 966P98 -
F. A. Joyner 1863 – 1945
Boiling the billy
c.1908bromide photographAccession no: 8113Ph41 -
F. A. Joyner 1863 – 1945
Boiling the Billy
c.1908autochrome (colour lantern slide)Accession no: 8113Ph81 -
Colin Little 1952 – 1982
Boing Boing.
1981colour screenprint on paperAccession no: 20041G5 -
Kees van Dongen 1877 – 1968
Boîte de Nuit
1927etching, plate tone on paperAccession no: 20174G104(r) -
Lena Yarinkura 1960kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) feathers and natural pigmentsAccession no: 20202A14A
John Dallwitz 1941
Bolla Bollana Creekbed, 13 May 1976
1976; printed 1995gelatin-silver photographAccession no: 952Ph12 -
John Dallwitz 1941
Bolla Bollana Creekbed, 13 May 1976
1976; printed 1995gelatin-silver photographAccession no: 952Ph11 -
Dundiwuy #2 Mununggurr/Wunungmurra 1951soft-ground etching printed in red ochre ink on paperAccession no: 20167G112
Max Dupain 1911 – 1992
1939gelatin-silver photographAccession no: 801Ph13 -
Alan Cruickshank 1953
Bondi Beach boys
1995direct positive colour photograph, page of laser-printed textAccession no: 966Ph7 -
John Olsen 1928 – 2023
Bondi icebergs
2007etching, aquatint, plate tone, printed in brown ink on paperAccession no: 20176G154 -
Arthur Koo’ekka Pambegan Jr 1936 – 2010
Bonefish story place
2007/2008earth pigments and synthetic polymer paint on wood, bush stringAccession no: 20176S35(a-j) -
Rennie Ellis 1940 – 2003
Boneless mutton
1973; printed 2008gelatin-silver photographAccession no: 20096Ph37 -
Kevin Djimarr 1955
1994carved wood & earth pigmentsAccession no: 951S3 -
H. H. Tilbrook 1848 – 1937
Bones in the sand
1900gelatin-silver photograph (stereograph)Accession no: 20041RJN162 -
Louis Pons 1927
Bonjour, Monsieur Jarry!
1960/1973wood, plastic, cardboard, rope, rubber, paintAccession no: 7311P26 -
Milan Vojsk 1922 – 1997
Bonjour Tristesse
1962stoneAccession no: S141 -
Thea Proctor 1879 – 1966linocut on paperAccession no: 838G65
Mortimer Menpes 1855 – 1938letterpress half-tone printAccession no: 20193V41
Bonsai with mourning message
c.1900glass plate negativeAccession no: 20222Ph93 -
Rennie Ellis 1940 – 2003gelatin-silver photographAccession no: 20096Ph42