AGSA respectfully advises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples that this site includes the names and images of deceased people.
Attributed to Sydney Albert Boriston OATS or R.S. HAWKE
Wave breaking against rock
1898/1819glass plate negative (dry plate)Accession no: 20041RJN4637 -
James Powell & Sons, Whitefriars Glass Works (manufacturer) 1834 – 1980 , Geoffrey Baxter (designer) 1922 – 1995
Wave ribbed bowl in sapphire blue
1950s; pre 1959glassAccession no: 20202C51 -
James Powell & Sons, Whitefriars Glass Works 1834 – 1980 , Geoffrey Baxter 1922 – 1995
Wave ribbed vase in ruby
1950sglassAccession no: 20202C71 -
Grant Mudford 1944
1972gelatin-silver photographAccession no: 865Ph7 -
Waves crashing on dark rocks
c 1910gelatin-silver photographAccession no: 20041RJN2912.5 -
attributed to E G Tims 1843/44 – after 1882
Waves crashing on the rocks
c 1870-77albumen-silver photographAccession no: 20035Ph13.39 -
Gerry Wedd 1957
Wave urn
2022earthenwareAccession no: 20225C27 -
Robert Foster 1962 – 2016
Wavy vase - coral
1998anodised aluminiumAccession no: 996A34A -
Janangoo Butcher Cherel 1920 – 2009
Wawanyi winjirrgi
2000linocut on paperAccession no: 20015G14 -
Banduk Marika 1954 – 2021colour linocut on paperAccession no: 8812G37
W Waṉambi 1962 – 2022
2003earth pigments on carved woodAccession no: 20047S14 -
Andy Warhol 1928 – 1987
Wax heads
c 1976-79gelatin-silver photographAccession no: 20182Ph9 -
Namiyal Bopirri c.1929earth pigments on plywoodAccession no: 928P34
Brahma Tirta Sari Batik Studio est. 1985 , Utopia Batik Artists
Wayang cahaya (Light of the ancestors)
1998/1920silk, synthetic dyes, tulis hand drawn and cap hand print batikAccession no: 20047A37 -
watercolour, gouache, ink, gold paint on paperAccession no: 20214P56
watercolour, gouache, ink, gold paint on paperAccession no: 20214P57
Wayang puppet story, no. 4
c 1880watercolour, gouache, ink, gold paint on paperAccession no: 20214P58 -
Ivan Namirrkki 6 /06/1960
Wayarra, a female spirit
c 1987earth pigments on Stringybark (Eucalyptus tetrodonta)Accession no: 8711P79 -
Kevin Djimarr 1955
Wayarra spirit
1994carved wood & earth pigmentsAccession no: 951S4 -
Destiny Deacon 1957 – 2024
Way out B
1999bubble-jet print on paperAccession no: 20006Ph6 -
Sadeler , after Paul Bril 1554 – 1624
Wayside inn with sheep and cattle
16th-17th centuryengraving on paperAccession no: 097G584 -
Deborah Wurrkidj (designer) 1971 , Babbarra Designs, Maningrida (manufacturer) est. c.1995
2010colour linocut printed on silkAccession no: 20103A65A -
George Finey 1895 – 1987
W.C. Wentworth
1973black crayon on pink paperAccession no: 744D16 -
Berlinde de Bruyckere 1964
We are all flesh
2011/2012epoxy, iron, horse skin, steelAccession no: 20128S14(a&b)On display, Gallery 13 -
Mike Parr 1945six lambda printsAccession no: 20047Ph34(a-f)